👋Hello, I am

Maduo Ntshoto

Front-end developer👩‍💻 based in Botswana

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Duduscents project preview

Candle making project

From lavender, warm pumpkin to clean and crisp coffee there is an endless array of deliciously scented candles to choose from. When melted it evaporates which is how scent is releaed into your home, but if you look close you will notice that not all candles are made from the same type of wax even if they look nearly identical.

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Weather App

My weather Application is the project I completed for the SheCodes Plus course using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The App is used to search for current weather conditions in different locations and the five days weather forecast the particular location. This is the project that intergrates the use of APIs, bootstrap, hosting on Netlify and the use of GitHub.

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Weather App project preview
Dictionary project preview

Dictionary App

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. The dictionary app is not of my projects, it is only an addition to learn and demonstrate responsiveness.

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